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Starting a Custody Case
A custody action is a lawsuit, usually between separated parents, over legal and physical custody of their minor child. State law authorizes the Court to decide whether one or both parents make decisions regarding the child, with which parent the child lives (custodial parent), and how often the child visits the other parent (non-custodial parent).
If you have an attorney, he or she will file the necessary paperwork and obtain a date for your court appearance. If you do not have an attorney, you may file pro se (on your own).
Effective January 1, 2020, except as specifically exempted by the Court, electronic filing will be mandatory in all new and pending custody cases. Information regarding registration, independent filer instructions, and Family Court Guidelines are available under the Self-Help section of the Lehigh County File & Serve site at Forms for filing for child custody are available on this website. You will be given a date and time for a conciliation conference after submitting your filings through Staff assistance and computer kiosks are available for custody filings at the Family Court Office, Room 423 between 12:15 p.m. and 3:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.
Jurisdiction in a custody case is based on where the child resides. Except in unusual circumstances, the child must have lived in Lehigh County for six months immediately prior to filing. If the child is less than six months old and has lived here most of his/her life, Lehigh County will probably have jurisdiction.
A person entitled to start a legal action must have “standing.” The Custody Act permits a mother or father to file against the other parent. Grandparents can file for custody when the parents of the child are separated or when parents who live together are neglecting the child.
State Rules permit a minor parent to file or defend a custody case without the requirement of appointment of a guardian for the minor parent.
No. The child must be born.
A party receiving public assistance or who is otherwise without financial resources to pay the costs of litigation may be entitled to proceed in forma pauperis (IFP). A party fills out the IFP Petition stating all of his/her income, assets, liabilities and debts. The petition will be sent to a judge for review and decision.
Yes. Go to Self Help
A custody complaint requires the name and address of mother, father, and the child, and the child's address(es) for the last five years.
Service is delivery of the documents to the opposing party. Rules of Court specify how service can be made. Proof of service is required before any court order will be entered.
You must try to locate the other party by asking family or friends, checking with the post office, and/or looking at social media. If you cannot find the other party, you can request an Order for Special Service by filing a petition.
Court appearances and steps in a Custody Action
A custody conference is a meeting with parties, their attorneys and a custody hearing officer who is an attorney employed by the court. The hearing officer establishes the issues in the case, explores settlement options, and determines whether the case proceeds to trial.
When the issues in a case involve questions of legal custody (who makes decisions) or primary or shared physical custody (where the child lives), the case is decided by a judge. If the case involves partial physical custody, the custody hearing officer will conduct a hearing. Contempt hearings are conducted by a judge.
An attorney is trained in the law, and in court procedures, and can protect your valuable legal rights. An attorney is not required, however it is highly recommended, especially for hearing or trial.
The Bar Association of Lehigh County Lawyer Referral Service provides a low cost consultation with a qualified attorney call (610) 433-7094 or
Requests for a continuance of a conference before a hearing officer must be made on the Family Court Continuance Request form.
You and the other party must complete a Praecipe to Withdraw/Discontinue By Agreement, and E-file it at The court will take action based on the parties’ agreement. PDF MS Word
No. Court Rules prohibit ex parte (one party only) communications with a hearing officer or judge.
Children are not brought to a conference without permission of the hearing officer. If you believe the hearing officer should speak to the children, you must write a letter to the hearing officer stating the reasons for your request, and send a copy of the letter to the other parent. The hearing officer will review the request and respond.
When an Order exists
It depends on what is included in the PFA. If the PFA supersedes the custody order, follow the PFA. If not, then follow the custody order.
You can file a Petition for Contempt stating the alleged violation of the existing order. You will be scheduled for a conciliation conference.
The police generally don't get involved in custody disputes unless specifically required
by the Order. If the other party isn't following the order you can file a Petition for Contempt.
You can file a Petition for Modification stating what you want changed, and why you want it changed. You will be scheduled for a conciliation conference. If there is no agreement, the case will be scheduled for a hearing before a hearing officer or judge.
Both parties must complete a Praecipe to Withdraw/Discontinue By Agreement of the Parties requesting that either the case be discontinued, or that the prior order remain in effect. PDF MS Word
You can be found in contempt by a judge and your visits may be restricted.
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