State and Local Court Rules Must Be Followed.
This section DOES NOT discuss EVICTION.
This informational section is concerned only with Landlord/Tenant Actions for Damages Arising out of a Residential Lease and filed on A CIVIL Complaint at the Magisterial District Court.
While Landlords may file a CIVIL action to recoup damages in Pennsylvania, a landlord may not undertake a "self-help" (without legal process) dispossession or eviction of his tenant for nonpayment of rent. In other words, a landlord must take a tenant to court to evict a tenant and may not simply lock the tenant out, remove doors, turn off utilities or otherwise attempt to evict the tenant by methods other than legal process under the Landlord Tenant Act.
However, if the Tenant has already VACATED or is soon going to vacate the residential property, the Landlord may file a small claims civil lawsuit asking only for a money judgement.
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It is up to you to determine which action and court is most appropriate for your situation.
You may file a civil suit at Magisterial District Court if you have a complaint against a person or business and wish to recover an amount of money totaling $12,000 or less. This is called a civil lawsuit. The $12,000 limit does not include the court costs involved in the suit, or any interest which may be due on your claim. If you are successful, you are entitled to be reimbursed for court costs.
Cases for more than $12,000.00 must be filed at the Court of Common Pleas.
Claims for $12,000 or less may be filed in Common Pleas Court; however, Magisterial District Courts are less formal, less expensive and faster than Common Pleas Courts. The Magisterial District Court has standardized complaint forms to complete and file. The Court of Common Pleas does not provide such forms. It is up to you to determine which court is most appropriate for your claim.
If you file a suit in Magisterial District Court, you must determine which Magisterial District Judge has authority to handle the suit. Magisterial District Judges Rule 302 is the rule which governs where a suit may be filed. Generally, the suit must be filed where the person you are suing lives or is located, or where your claim arose. For example, a small claim arising out of a traffic accident or contract dispute could be filed at the office of the Magisterial District Judge who serves the territory where the accident occurred or where the contract was signed. However, Rule 302 allows for other options. To determine which Lehigh County Magisterial District Court office covers a certain address, use the MDJ locator.
Magisterial District Judges Rule 502 is the rule which governs where a Landlord/Tenant Action for Recovery of Real Property (Eviction) may be filed. Landlord/Tenant cases are usually filed in the MDJ area in which the rental property is located. To determine which Lehigh County Magisterial District Court office covers a certain address, use the MDJ locator.
In Magisterial District Court, an attorney is not required, but it may be advisable to have one present for certain types of cases. If you choose to represent yourself, there is no assistance available from the Magisterial District Court office staff or the Law Library. You must be prepared to follow court rules and prepare your own documents.
If you want to obtain the service of an attorney, but do not know whom to contact, you should visit the Lehigh County Bar Association's Lawyer Referral Service website.
In most cases, yes. You will pay filing fees and fees to have the complaint served on the other party. Keep in mind that if you win your claim, the party you are suing (the defendant/tenant) may be required to pay you back for the court costs. Pa.R.C.P.M.D.J. No. 206 sets forth those costs recoverable by the prevailing party.
Important information
Complete the Civil Complaint form fully and neatly. Both the Civil and Landlord/Tenant Complaints are linked here so you can examine both and decide which one is more appropriate for your case.
NOTE: One copy of the Civil complaint with original signature is required for the Magisterial District Judge. You will be charged filing costs and service costs when the complaint is filed at the District Court. No changes may be made to this form either in content or format.
Once the complaint is completed, you must file it at the correct Magisterial District Court office. Be prepared to pay the filing fees. There will be an additional fee for service of the complaint to the defendant which will vary according to how it is served.
Although the complaint may be filed by mail, it is advisable to submit it personally to the Magisterial District Court office. It will be easier for the clerk to tell you whether your complaint form is acceptable. It will also be easier to determine precisely what fees you must pay.
Once you have filed a Civil Complaint, the Magisterial District Court office staff will schedule a hearing between 12 and 60 days from the time you file. The law requires that before the hearing, the other party must receive a copy of the complaint.
This can be done in one of two ways:
Minor Court Civil Rule 307 Service of the Compliant and Rule 308 Service upon Individuals are available at
Once you have filed a Civil Complaint, the Magisterial District Court office staff will set a hearing date which shall be between 12 and 60 days from the date the complaint is filed, and the Magisterial District Court office staff will serve your Defendant/Former Tenant with a copy of the complaint and notice of the hearing date and time.
Consult with your attorney if you choose to have one, and gather and organize any lease, notices, bills, receipts, rent demands, or other letters relating to the suit and the damages to your property. You must have any document that is important to your case with you. The Magisterial District Judge will only consider documents presented at the hearing. It is also a good idea to inform any witnesses of the date of the hearing.
At the hearing, those present will be the Magisterial District Judge, you (the Plaintiff), your witnesses, your lawyer if you choose to have one, the Defendant, defense witnesses, and possibly the defendant's lawyer. The courtroom will almost always be open to the public as well. The Magisterial District Judge will explain the procedure to you. Do not be afraid to ask questions. During the hearing, you will be given an opportunity to tell what happened that caused you to sue the Defendant/Tenant. Show any lease, notices, bills, receipts, rent demands, or other letters you have to the Magisterial District Judge. You will probably be asked questions by the Defendant/Tenant, or possibly by the Magisterial District Judge. Then your witnesses may be allowed to tell what they know about the case. The Defendant/Tenant will be given the same opportunity. You will also be permitted to ask questions of the Defendant/Tenant.
The Magisterial District Judge's decision may be made at the hearing or you may be informed of it later by mail, within five days of the hearing.
If you succeed in your Small Claims Civil case, you will get a judgment/transcript on paper (this may be mailed to you if the MDJ decides to think about the case before ruling) stating the following:
The court does not pay you the money. It is your responsibility to file the judgment in the Court of Common Pleas and collect the money from the defendant through wage garnishment or other legal collection methods. The losing party does have the right to appeal, which may delay any collection.
The Defendant/Former Tenant has 30 days to appeal a Small Claims Civil Judgment to the Court of Common Pleas.
Judgment in favor of the Plaintiff/Landlord means that you, the Plaintiff/Landlord, will be awarded the judgment asked for without having to present your case to the Magisterial District Judge. You win because the Defendant/Former Tenant failed to appear in court or did not defend the action.
If you win and the Defendant/Former Tenant does not appeal the eviction within 30 days, you may determine the best method to collect your judgment. The court does not pay you the money. It is your responsibility to file the judgment in the Court of Common Pleas and collect the money from the Defendant through wage garnishment or other legal collection methods. You may want to consult an attorney to determine how to collect your judgment.
If you lost the case and the Magisterial District Judge's decision is in favor of the Defendant/Tenant, you also have the right to appeal to the Court of Common Pleas.
The appeal process may be too complicated to handle without a lawyer. If you want to obtain the service of an attorney, but do not know whom to contact, you should visit the Lehigh County Bar Association's Lawyer Referral Service website
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The forms and instructions that are available from this website are not a substitute for professional legal advice. Court employees cannot give you legal advice or help you fill out /complete the forms. It is your responsibility to read and complete the forms and to take required steps to file and serve the documents. If you decide to use these forms in an actual action, be prepared to spend appropriate time gathering information, completing forms and following the Rules of Court. The Court assumes no responsibility for the use of these forms and accepts no liability for actions taken by using these documents, including reliance on the instructions and/or contents. To obtain legal advice and to insure the proper use of this material, you should contact a lawyer.
If you want to obtain the service of an attorney, but do not know whom to contact, you should visit the Lehigh County Bar Association's Lawyer Referral Service website.
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